Center for People and Buildings

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Symposium "New work environments, better performance? 15 years ago, 15 years ahead"

1 november 2016, Delft

Symposium "New work environments, better performance? 15 years ago, 15 years ahead"

Our first working conference in 2001 had the same title. The question mark has not yet been turned into an exclamation. However, 15 years and numerous investigations further we are a lot wiser already.

In the symposium we put the most important lessons of the past 15 years in a row and we look ahead. We do this from three perspectives: the perspective of the employee, the management and the designer. Do employees work more pleasant, better and more together in the innovative work environment? What is the added value for the organization? Are the often high expectations well justified? What lessons should designers and decorators keep in mind when designing the new working environment? What are the themes for the upcoming years?

Besides sharing knowledge we would like to celebrate our anniversary. That is why we opted for a short (but powerful) substantive program with a closing reception to actually meet and talk.

Program in brief:

14:00 Walk in with coffee and tea
14:30 Welcome and presentations on 15 years of research on people, work and the workplace
16:00 Toast on the 15th anniversary of the CfPB followed by networking drinks

A detailed program will follow at a later time.