Center for People and Buildings

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The OAP2018 workshop

20 june 2018 to 22 june 2018, Amsterdam

“The impacts of NWoW on management practices ", contribution to OAP2018 workshop

The 8th Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) Workshop will take place in Amsterdam at VU University on June 20-22, 2108. The overall theme of the workshop is  “New Ways of Working”. The workshop seeks to explore the backgrounds, meanings, legitimations and resources, as well as the unintended organizational consequences, which are implied in NWoW organizational arrangements. The workshop wants to contribute to the empirical grounding and theoretical understanding of New Ways of Working in all its complexity and all material and organizational processes involved.

CfPB and her French partner HR&D submitted a abstract entitled "The impacts of NWoW on management practices". The abstract was accepted and Blandine Bréchignac (HR&D), Dorieke den Hollander and Wim Pullen will join the conference and present their paper.