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The hybrid-work office: Exploring the changing knowledge-work office in a living lab
September 2024 | Mathilda du Preez, Dennis la Brijn, Maaike Niekel, Monique Arkesteijn
What determines the differences between Dutch hybrid workers' location choice clusters?
September 2024 | Sjors Houtveen, Dennis La Brijn, Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek, Anca Gosselink
The Evolving Workplace
September 2024 | Gijs Brouwers, Maaike Niekel, Monique Arkesteijn, Susanne Colenberg, Henk-Jan Hoekjen
Gezondheid op het werk
May 2023 | Maaike Niekel, Dennis La Brijn, Sjors Houtveen, Gijs Brouwers, Mathilda du Preez, Henk-Jan Hoekjen, Barbara van Baarsel
Tien jaar onderzoek TPAW: twaalf lessen toepasbaar op hybride werken
April 2023 | Dennis La Brijn, Sjors Houtveen
Zoeken naar verbinding in de hybride wereld
February 2023 | Gijs Brouwers, Dennis La Brijn, Anca Gosselink, Henk-Jan Hoekjen, Bartele Hoekstra, Sjors Houtveen, Maaike Niekel, Jacqueline Schlangen. Eindredactie: Barbara van Baarsel
Verslag Kenniskring 'Pilots hybride werken'
December 2022 | Gijs Brouwers, Barbara van Baarsel, Henk-Jan Hoekjen, Maaike Niekel, Jacqueline Schlangen
The influence of the physical home work environment on preceived productivity during the covid 19 pandemic
June 2021 | Monique Arkesteijn, Silvia Jansen, Bernice Kieft, Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek, Bartele Hoekstra, Pity Jongens-van der Schaaf
Impact of employee satisfaction with facilities on self-assessed productivity support
November 2019 | Brenda Groen, Theo van der Voordt, Bartele Hoekstra Hester van Sprang
Discussing NWOW Managerial Issue; A playful and intercultural perspective
June 2018 | Blandine Bréchignac Dorieke den Hollander Wim Pullen
Input to the CREM-FM research agenda
October 2017 | Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek, Wim Pullen
Facilities Management and Corporate Real Estate Management as Value Drivers: How to Manage and Measure Adding Value
September 2016 | Per Anker Jensen (editor), Theo van der Voordt (editor)
Flexibility in use
April 2016 | Jan Gerard Hoendervanger, Iris De Been, Nico W. van Yperen, Mark P. Mobach, Casper J. Albers
New Ways of Working: Sense making Processes of non-managerial Employees - A Case Study
March 2016 | Martine van Weerdenburg, Sandra Brunia
The Workplace Game
July 2015 | Evi De Bruyne, Fien Thoolen
Performance measurement of public facilities in Thailand: A case study of Dhanarak Asset Development
June 2015 | Chaiwat Riratanaphong, Theo van der Voordt
Added Value of FM - A critical review
June 2015 | Per Anker Jensen, Theo van der Voordt
How to cope with dilemmas in activity-based work environments
June 2015 | Iris de Been, Marion Beijer, Dorieke den Hollander
How can facility managers add value?
May 2015 | Per Anker Jensen, Theo van der Voordt
Calculating NWoW office space with the PACT model
May 2015 | Evi de Bruyne, Marion Beijer
Age, office type, job satisfaction and performance
September 2014 | Iris de Been, Eeke Steenaart, Dorieke den Hollander, Wim Pullen
PACT: Calculating nWoW accommodation that suits the organisations' work processes
June 2014 | Evi de Bruyne, Marion Beijer, Sandra Brunia, Anca Gosselink
The influence of office type on satisfaction and perceived productivity support
March 2014 | Iris de Been, Marion Beijer
The use of Questionnaires in Colour Research in Real Life Settings: In search of validity and methodological pitfalls
September 2013 | Iris Bakker, Theo van der Voordt, Peter Vink, Jan de Boon
Corporate real estate mirrors brand: a conceptual framework and practical applications
August 2013 | Chesta Khanna, Theo van der Voordt, Philip Koppels
The effects of interventions in an innovative office on satisfaction, perceived productivity and health complaints
May 2013 | Iris de Been, Marion Beijer
Facilitating new ways of learning in Dutch higher education
May 2013 | Ronald Beckers, Theo van der Voordt
How Can Facilities Management Add Value To Organisations As Well As To Society?
May 2013 | Per Anker Jensen, Anna-Liisa Sarasoja, Theo van der voordt, Christiaan Coenen
The effect of change on accommodation strategies - 10 Success factors. Virtual Round Tour Full report
March 2013 | AT Osborne
Facility Management Research in the Netherlands
June 2012 | Thomas Thijssen, Theo van der Voordt, Mark Mobach
EFMC 2012: looking back and forward
June 2012 | Theo van der Voordt
An organization centered Accomodation Choice Model
December 2011 | Theo van der Voordt, Jolanda Ikiz-Koppejan, Anca Gosselink
Impact of Workplace Change on Satisfaction and Productivity - A comparative analysis of case studies in Thailand and the Netherlands
May 2011 | Chaiwat Riratanaphong, Theo van der Voordt
The influence of the workplace on perceived productivity
May 2011 | Maartje Maarleveld, Iris de Been
Most important aspects of the work environment - A comparison between two countries
May 2011 | Peggie M. Rothe, Marion Beijer, Theo van der Voordt
The influence of plants on productivity - a critical assessment of research findings and test methods
September 2010 | Iris Bakker, Theo van der Voordt
Long-Term Effects of Activity-Based Working
September 2010 | Nicky Mosselman, Anca Gosselink, Marion Beijer
EFMC 2010 - The Added Value of FM - Different Research Perspectives
May 2010 | Per Anker Jensen, Theo van der Voordt, Christian Coenen, Daniel von Felten, Anna-Liisa Lindholm, Susanne Balslev Nielsen, Chaiwat Riratanaphong and Mirjam Schmid
The ageing office population - Age and the physical work environment
March 2010 | Iris de Been, Evi De Bruyne
After the fire - New ways of working in an academic setting
March 2010 | Marjan Gorgievski, Theo van der Voordt, Sanne van Herpen, Sophie van Akkeren
Personalization in non-territorial offices: a study of a human need
September 2009 | Sandra Brunia, Anca Gosselink
Measuring employee satisfaction in new offices - the WODI toolkit
May 2009 | Leentje Volker, Theo van der Voordt, Maartje Maarleveld
Input for the 2015 FM Research and Action Agenda
May 2009 | Wim Pullen, Theo van der Voordt, Jaap Hanekamp
Towards improving energy-efficiency in office buildings - Case study on the effects of technical optimization and augmented user-sophistication
May 2009 | Pieter le Roux, Karel Dekker
Change beyond walls
April 2009 | Evi de Bruyne
Effects of the Workplace Game: A Case-Study into Anticipating Future Behavior of Office Workers
March 2009 | Annelise de Jong, Merlijn Kouprie, Evi De Bruyne
CRE critique and expert interpretation, Journal of Corporate Real Estate, Volume 11, Issue 1
February 2009 | Wim Pullen, Anca Gosselink, Evi De Bruyne
CRE critique and expert interpretation of Journal of Corporate Real Estate, Vol. 10 No. 4, 2008
October 2008 | Evi De Bruyne, Anca, Gosselink, Wim Pullen
Evidence-based workplace design and the role of end-user participation
October 2008 | Maartje Maarleveld
Restructuring of Building and Facilities management based on the influence of end user preferences, preliminary results of a current research project
October 2008 | Wim Pullen
CRE critique and expert interpretation of Journal of Corporate Real Estate, Vol. 10 No. 3, 2008
July 2008 | Wim Pullen, Pieter le Roux
The workplace game - exploring end users' new behavior
July 2008 | Evi De Bruyne, Annelise de Jong
Participatory design of office spaces by game playing?
July 2008 | Annelise de Jong, Evi De Bruyne
Meaningful places
June 2008 | John Worthington
CIB W70-congres Edinburgh - Unlocking creativity with the physical workplace
June 2008 | Yuri Martens
CIB W70-conference Edinburgh - Post-occupancy evaluation of a new office concept in an educational setting
June 2008 | Theo van der Voordt, Wendy van der Klooster
Personalization in non-territorial offices
May 2008 | Sandra Brunia
Do Facilities matter? - The influence of facilities satisfaction on perceived labour productivity of office employees
May 2008 | Ronald Batenburg, Theo van der Voordt
SASBE conference Shanghai - Pleasant , Productive and Possible - The future of sustainable work
December 2006 | Andy van den Dobbelsteen, Wim Pullen, Hans de Jonge
Performance of office buildings from a user's perspective
July 2006 | Theo van der Voordt, Maartje Maarleveld
CIB W70-conference Trondheim - Use of data from workplace evaluation in briefing and design
June 2006 | Theo van der Voordt
SAFMA conference Midrand - Evidence-based reasoning, A new challenge for Facility Management
October 2005 | Wim Pullen
SAFMA conference Midrand - New tools for risk management in early stages of PPP workplace projects
October 2005 | Wim Pullen
FMA Ideaction conference Melbourne - Towards evidence based reasoning in Facilities Management
May 2005 | Wim Pullen
An integral tool for the diagnostic evaluation of non territorial offices
February 2005 | Leentje Volker, Theo van der Voordt
Productivity and satisfaction in non-territorial offices
March 2004 | Theo van der Voordt
Modernizing government workplaces: towards evidence, as well as experience
March 2004 | Wim Pullen, Stephen Bradley
Costs and Benefits of Flexible Workspaces - Work in progress in The Netherlands
May 2003 | Theo van der Voordt
Corporate culture and design - Theoretical reflections on case-studies in the web design industry
January 2003 | Theo van der Voordt, Juriaan van Meel, Froukje Smulders, Saskia, Teurling
The added value of office accommodation to organizational performance
April 2002 | Hermen Jan van Ree
Tomorrow's offices through today's eyes: Effects of innovation in the working environment
December 2001 | Paul Vos, Theo van der Voordt
Towards customer delight: Added value in public sector corporate real estate
September 2001 | Chris Wilson, Joan Leckman, Kahlil Cappucino, Wim Pullen
Funky offices: reflections in office design in the 'new economy'
July 2001 | Juriaan van Meel, Paul Vos
Flexibility in the workplace: Instrumental or Creative? - The case of the Dutch Government Buildings Agency
March 2001 | Wim Pullen