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World Workplace EU-Virtual geopend

6 mei 2020

World Workplace EU-Virtual geopend

Post corona kantoor

Gastheer Erik Jaspers (Planon) opende de sessie  met deze inleiding over de context waarin de Facility manager zijn of haar weg moet vinden:

"So, what is our situation currently: to have some understanding we shortly going back to new year’s eve of 2019. Do you remember? The world had a fundamentally different face compared to today, being like a connected global village going about its ways. Perhaps with the exception of some doctors in the Chinese city of Wuhan, being confronted with patients having an undefined disease causing raspatory problems. Soon it becomes apparent that this is a new virus, for which no medicine is available and it is spreading fast in the region, with people dying over it. The number of infected grows so fast, that hospitals quickly become overloaded. Due to intense international travel, the virus spreads from the original region to effectively all continents of the world. The limitation of cure capacity drives politicians to the only feasible option to reduce pace of infection spread. Introducing lockdowns of regions, closing down facilities and sending people home in order to create social distance which now is the primary means for reduction of contamination.This measure does however lead to the shutdown of many production facilities. Especially with the high concentration of production as tasking place in China, this impacts product delivery worldwide, which again inhibits production elsewhere due to shortages in supplies. This disruption is especially apparent in the supply of basically simple but so important goods today: mouth caps. As production and goods delivery hamper, travel comes to a halt due to lock downs, people need to stay at home, the economy of all countries is damaged and governments produce unseen financial support initiatives in an economic damage-control effort.

Strangely enough we experience some upside amidst the havoc: our world is cleaning-up. A powerful picture is shared from north India where the population of towns and cities suddenly see the Himalaya towering-up on their horizon: a sight they have not seen in 30 years. Nasa images show a dramatic drop in pollution levels all over the world.

And here we are today. What is next? What will we need to do in our field to contribute to the recovery of our organizations, our societies" ?


Het openingspanel bestond uit Marie Puybaraud, Kate Lister, Jan-Peter Kastelein, Erik Jaspers em Wim Pullen.

Onze conclusie is dat er nog geen goede antwoorden zijn over:

  • het nieuwe normaal (er zal er niet een zijn, maar velen)
  • het volgende normaal (en hoelang houdt dat dan stand?)
  • een tussentijds normal (waarvoor flexibiliteit en wendbaarheid vereist is)

The workplace

Wim sprak over The workplace, hij stelde twee vragen die directies of Raden van Bestuur voorgschoteld horen te krijgen: 

  1. What are the new leading workplace principles (beyond cost control) to get back on track?
  2. What are the firm’s new capabilities – the re-imagined capabilities; and what is the time schedule for you as a facilities manager to respond with a view of the new FM  competences?

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Henk-Jan Hoekjen

Henk-Jan Hoekjen

Researcher / PhD Philosophy / MA History